Thursday, August 30, 2007

Is tourism a nuisance or a blessing to our country?

From: Ornan Wei
Subject: English
Date: 25 August 2007
Topic: English commentary 2
Tourism is one of the fastest-growing sector in many countries. It improve the economic growth of a country, this will thus affect the social, political, environment factors. Tourism is good as it also promote international understanding and peace.
However, its negative impacts are often ignored. They were ignored as of the presumption that the income from the tourism sector , could make up for the loss. Governments think by ‘sustainable tourism development’, the income derived from tourism is higher and it is able to cover the cost arise from tourism. Instead, the increase of tourism, is also the increase of problems.
The main benefit of tourism is: international tourism produce flow of foreign currency into the host country which add to the country’s gross intake. This inflow of revenue increases business yield and provide employments for many people. Hence, tourism will increase the country’s GDP(Gross Domestic Productivity). This also mean that the country’s social welfare will be better taken care off. Tourism is able to develop better understanding of culture and improve ties between countries. Many believed when tourists travel, and come to understand other cultures, they will respect the qualities of individuals of each nation, hence building world peace and international understanding.
Although tourism positively contributes to the society, skepticism start to grow. The media highlight the destructive nature of leisure travel, how we have destroyed some scenic places that had been our country’s heritage. The fact that if there are more global tourism, there would be more competition. Actually, in recent times, positive effect is declining and the rapid increase of negative impact.
Poor planing of tourism result in short term benefit but long term problems. For example, adventurous travelers may find a tourism spot that has beautiful natural surroundings. They spread the good news, and the spot starts to attract a rapid increase of tourist. Soon, the government will provide facilities like high-rise hotels, transport system, small shops will start to bloom in that spot. In the course of action of these entrepreneurs and the government, the beautiful spot would have lost its scenery an also lost its attractiveness. Soon, tourists would abandon that spot and economic sector and environment would suffer huge loses.
Did the Singapore government consider the environment problems it would faced after the construction of the IR?(integrated resort)
Often, lands of different terrains ,like marshland and swamps, are cleared for creating tourism. Without marshlands and swamps, they no longer support flood control. Deforestation may cause soil erosion and loss of rare plants and organisms species. Exponential growth and excessive commercialization may cause the uniqueness of a tourist place to fade off. The Singapore government should be able to construct sustainable development so that the present needs could be met without jeopardizing the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs.
Frequently, tourism interfere with the host unique cultures and practices. They have to change their customs and treat and serve customers according to the customers’ liking. Thus, this will cause locals to lose their identity.
The moment has come, Singapore lacks of lands that are needed for tourism, thus needed to have more consideration for sustainable tourism in the interest of long-term welfare of the people. Allow these tourists to take photos and leave impressions but not destroy the country’s identity.

Today's Sport

24 August 2007

Sports are long-established, for the display of athletic qualities. They have fostered goodwill among participants and spectators and symbolised the value of excellence and the will to achieve one’ s best. We have many meets, ranging from national to international which are theoretically the contests of athletic skill and power. In today’s context, the ideals of competition and fair-play have been plague by certain problems.
Often, the association sports is fair-play, humility in victory, etc. The ideal of competing in the Olympic games, is to be friendly and this noble ideal is often ignored. In the times before the 19th century, Olympic athletes took pride in competing for their countries and developed friendship and promoted international understanding. Since, Hitler the dictator, politicised the 1936 Berlin games, these meets held once in every four years have obtained political implications. In the 1980, when the United States boycotted the moscow games in protest against the soviet invasion of Afghanistan, its lead was followed by about forty nations. Russia acted by not participating in the Los Angeles games of 1984, this might be considered as an act of revenge. The pursuit of national glory should not be allowed to be affected by politics of participating nations.
In recent times, sports today is the involvement of money. People participate in sports to gain wealth and fame. The importance of winning medals seems to have died out. There is an impulse for the filthy lucre, this is being sought after not only by participants but also sports organizers. The spirit of competition and the true victory and achievement are being eroded by professionalism. One exceptional example is the game of soccer. In today’s context soccer is not only seen as a game based on team-spirit and skills but also as a mean to great wealth. Soccer players are traded with profit for the club as motive. Many athletes are sponsored by huge corporations and these athletes are motivated by money to serve the purposes of sponsors. Hence, sports is being polluted by greed. There are many athletes who do not have a sense of patriotism, they bid farewell to national pride and join another club or other countries that are able to offer a higher pay. If the project on human genome is immensely successful, clones of famous athletes can be made. This would cause the formation of individualistic teams and thus, tarnishing the values of sports. As a result, sports, in the future, would be fully commercialized.
Is your passion motivated by money or genuine interest?
Nowadays, parents are ambitious and coaches are demanding. No one would disagree that sports for children are pleasurable and to keep them occupied and make them both physically and mentally fit. However, when parents are involved, sports became a task rather than being active and having fun. These children are fed with their parents ego. These ambitious parents may try to realise in their children what they failed to do so when they are in their youth. These children have to satisfy the demands of their coach. When parents create an atmosphere of professional sports for them, their interest fade off, but carry on despite their dislike and developing years that are to be enjoyed by engaging in variety of activities are wasted.
Athletes are constantly in the public eye as participants in sports, icons, endorsers,etc. There are many athletes who disrespect their opponents and throw tantrum, while there are those who help charities and people who are in need. Although, an athlete skills and strengths are esteemed by people, their rude and crude behaviors have a negative influence on teenagers. These youths may think that their superstar/idol is worth imitating, to be cool or represent their loyalty to their superstar/idol.
In addition, pure sportsmanship is being corrupted by the use of drugs. These drugs enhance the performance of athletes. Those who use the drugs have the dishonorable advantage. Doping is unethical and is absolutely cheating.
In conclusion, sports should the pursue of passion and not filthy lucre. Theoretically, sports should eliminate atrocious behavior and influences of money and fame. Also, competitions should not be commercialized and should draw out virtues that are valued from athletes.

Athletes that are considered as bad role models are those who:
-pursue fame and filthy lucre
-Rude and crude behaviors

Athletes that are considered as good role models are those who;
-Pursue their passion
-Kind hearted (doing charity activities)
-Do not cheat
-Respect other athletes including referees.
-Bring out the virtues of their sport.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Educational issue

I believed that we have to learn from the best to stay ahead in education race. We live in world full of challenges. No matter what a person does there will be keen competition. It is the keen competition that takes a person to the top, in all walks of life.

Let us explore the definition of education. It is the building and development of character and to train individuals to have the ability to earn a livelihood. Building and development of character is to cultivate good qualities like: honesty, intelligence, courage, humanistic values of life, love, patience and other important qualities. The second objective is the ability to survive or succeed in achieving one’s goal in life.

Learning from the best to stay ahead, is not needed in education if its purpose is to cultivate one’s character. However, if the goal is to enable individuals to enter one profession, and to be successful in the profession of their choice, learning from the best is needed. Hence, people may face competition. This will cause one to do one’s profession well for a long time. People of different jobs (doctors, engineers, businessman, etc) do better in their jobs when they face tough competitions. They get to learn from other people’s mistakes and thus able to work better and more efficiently.

“We want to make sure that we are up there with then, riding the crest of the waves rather than being swept along in the small streams.” Stated by education minister, Tharman Shanmugaratnam. In my opinion, he is indirectly saying that we cannot lag behind others but we have to compete with and learn from others in order to be the top. Thus, not only we have to learn from others but also need the ability to compete with others.

Competitions start from individuals during their schooling days. They are the make up of individual’s mind. In order for individuals to be successful in their careers, they also have to achieve excellent results and the fame he gets from what he does. I feel that in order to learn from the best well, and to apply them, it is best to cultivate individuals during their schooling days. After learning has taken place, so as to be better than others, we have to challenge ourselves and improve the ways of others. Instead of riding the crest of the waves, we fly above it. I believe that learning from the best is not enough as our standards would be equal to them. Instead, we have to improve and invent new ways to be ahead.

In our modern society, many types of competitions are available in schools. Such as service-learning (who done more for the society), cultural programmes, tests and examinations (to show their best abilities in academics studies) and lastly, sports and games. Hence, learning from others and coping with challenges need to be developed in their schooling days in order to last throughout their life.

Learning from others can be difficult for some people. Although learning from others is a need in education, care should be taken when doing so as it may lead to unhealthy results. It can lead to harmful results if individuals’ expectations are not practical and do not know their limitations. For example, a student who is talented in mathematics compete with another student who is not talented in the subject, other variables are the same, most likely is that the former would be able to compete successfully with the latter. There is a chance of the student, after many disappointments, becomes thwarted or losing his interest in the subject. This would affect his mental and physical health. Therefore, individuals have to access their limits and what they are capable of achieving. This happens as it is the nature of man to strive for the top.

In conclusion, while it is important to learn and compete with the best, we have to adhere to certain rules and principles to help us know our limits and potentials.

Environmental issue

Article reference:
Issue: Environmental issue

My view and points:

Currently, the use of natural resources is estimated not sustainable when considered in terms of forecasts of consumption. More use of resources will be necessary, if population levels are to be increased and living standard rose. The improvement of technology allows people to find more natural resources. For examples, oil and minerals.

To have a sustainable use of material resources human beings can recycle and reuse materials. There are advantages of recycling and reusing materials. In the United States, 90% of batteries, cans and other metals are being recycled. These will minimize environmental pollution and the impact on landscape and the ecosystem.

Another method of saving our earth’s resource is substitution. In the automatic and aero plane industries substitutions of lead and copper piping benefit them. It not only lighten the car and the plane it also improves fuel performance. A report said that the weight replaced by plastic is twice less then metal in some cars. Another example of substitution is that copper cables for telecommunications are being replaced by glass fibre-optics.

Most of the world’s energy supply comes from oil. Oil prices are rising due to the increase of violence in the Middle East, drying of oil wells, etc. Although many new sources of energy are found, since energy cannot be recycled, there is a threat of resources drying up. Many countries turn to the use of nuclear energy, a non-renewable resource have to be used with care as the raw material, uranium, may be depleted. This method is also expensive and poses a threat to the environment. Hence, we have to achieve greater efficiency in fuel consumption but also tap the sun, wind and water for energy.

Water a renewable energy resource may be problems to many countries using it. One of the problems is the unequal amount of water available. While in countries like Iceland have abundance of water, countries like Africa and Kuwait receive lesser and lesser due to global warming. The problem of water distribution is worsening by pollution cause by discharging of waste chemicals and liquids into water bodies (sea, river and lakes). In developed countries most of their wastes come from industries while those developing countries that undergo green revolution are likely to contaminate water bodies with agriculture chemicals and fertilizers.

I felt that the depletion of resources will cause the developing countries to suffer more than the developed countries. When there is a depletion of energy resources, the LEDCs(less economically developed countries) is unable to pay for the hike of these resources. Since, there is a hike in oil prices, manufacturing of products and foods will become more expansive and these will cause the poor people in LEDCs unable to afford or have to work harder in order to survive. While the MEDCs (more economically developed countries) is able to pay for these precious resources like steel (for building, crude oil, etc).

I believed that the government has a part to play in reducing amount of damage done to the environment and to conserve the nation stock resources. The government can pass down laws, regulations and campaigns to prevent contaminations of water bodies, recycling or reuse used material. Metal contents and other recyclable materials in consumer products, may be recycled for a price to encourage the public to recycle materials.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Political Issue
Title: Did the US did the right thing by sending more troops to Iraq...
Article of reference and review:
Name: Ornan Wei

On 9 April 2003, Baghdad fell to US- led forces. Many Iraqis are trying to rebuild their country and are hoping for a democratic future. However, many parts of Iraq remain at war as a fierce insurgency continues. Meanwhile, the Iraqi government and foreign forces try quash it .

Between February and September 1988, Saddam Hussein ordered a massive displacement operation against the Kurdish population in northern Iraq. Eyewitness accounts and documents seized from Iraqi security organs during the post-1991 Gulf War uprising and information gathered by international human rights groups indicate that up to 182,000 people were killed. An estimated 5,000 civilians were killed in a single day. Evidence has shown 270 mass graves across Iraq which contain the remains of possibly tens of thousands of people.
I feel that Saddam Hussein was a cruel, inhuman ruler of Iraq. The Americans invaded Iraq to preserve the rights of the people. There are two factions in the United States, those who support the invasion of Iraqi and those who are against it. However, the faction which is against the invasion are growing in size and popularity with time. The problem is that the conditions in Iraq are not improving quick enough. The country does not seem to be progressing and instead looks like it has not changed for the better. Conditions are deteriorating as each day passes. The American troops are trying their best to tighten security and to stabilize the country. On almost every day, there is someone who loses his or her life. As the conflict continues, so did the sophistication of insurgent attacks grow. Car bombs and improvised explosive devices placed at roadsides took an increasing toll on American soldiers and civilians. Civilian casualties are on an upward trend.. The killings include torture and kidnapping.
I agree that George Bush has done the right thing by sending more troops into Iraq although the death toll increases. To maintain peace and stability in the country, he was willing to sacrifice his fellow countrymen to remove the enslavement of fear and death on the people of Iraq. If there is no actions done to stopped the regime of Saddam Hussein, I believe that there would be chaos and war in the middle East fueled by Saddam Hussein's ambitious actions. This would cause higher death tolls and may cause an economic downturn as Kuwait was being invaded and was being plundered of every kind of valuables, especially oil.
On the other hand, others may say that Mr. Bush actions are inappropriate. Many US soldiers have died during the war and the sacrifices and sufferings of these soldiers are enough. In addition, taxes and funds of the U.S are being used more on the war rather on the citizen's well being. Many people in the States feel taxes paid are not benefiting them. Some may ask how the US can keep up its commitments in Iraq at this level for very long. As such some may disagree that the US did the right thing by sending more troops to Iraq.
Societal Issue
Title: Budget 2007: Poised for the future
Name: Ornan Wei

Although, there is a rise in GST, the majority of Singaporeans will get back in various ways at least four years’ worth of the extra GST they will pay, with the poor and elderly receiving the most. The advantage of the rise in the GST provides the government with more funds to spend on social needs. In twenty years time, Singapore will be expecting to have 6.5million people living in the country. Hence, there is a need for future development plans for housing, recreation and transport. The disadvantage is that the top earners would have to pay more. Since, they earn a lot; they will not benefit much in the increase of GST. Instead they have to pay more for the goods they purchase.

In my opinion the rise in GST was a fair one. The poor and elderly will be able to have better lives as funds are used to support old folk homes and poor income family with young children will receive 90% subsidy for kindergarten fees and more money for childcare centers. In addition, government funds will used for social purposes. For examples, to build a stronger arm forces to protect our country, canter to the needy, etc. Middle-income earners are able to benefits from the reduction of road tax, rebates in utilities bill service and conservancy charges, rentals and maid levy. Since, top earners are able to support themselves well; an increase in GST will only affect them a little.

Those who feel frustrated about the amendments made do not worry. Singapore’s government will ensure that everyone’s well being will be taken care of.

Next I will touch on wage boost for lower-income group. This will boost the earning of about 438,000 people.
Parts of the additional income will go to the worker’s CPF accounts. This is meant to support them after they retire from work. I believed that most help will benefit older workers who are earning a monthly salary of one thousand dollars or less. They get workfare of up to $1200 a year, both in cash and into their CPF accounts. The CPF system is also being changed to help low-income workers. After the change, they will be paying less into their CPF accounts and give workers more cash to support themselves. This not only benefits them but also employers to hire such workers, increasing the number of people being employed. Hence, increasing foreign companies to invest in Singapore.

The government also reduces Singapore’s corporate tax from 20 to 18 percent to attract more global companies. The reduction will increase workers’ CPF savings except those over 35 years old and will make Singapore one of the most competitive locations in the world for small and medium size enterprises and start up for new business.

In conclusion, whether a not we benefit from the amendments made, we just have to abide to it. These changes are for the country’s future. Every decision made by the government goes through series of stringent test before it is being pass down.